How to Use Image Content to Liven Up Your Local Business Facebook Fanpage

Articles by Ask8

#Ask8now – How to Use #ImageContent to Liven Up Your
#LocalBusiness #Facebook #Fanpage
Research has shown that people are more receptive
to information that is presented in a visual pictorial format,
so here are the types of image content to pay attention to…

How to Use Image Content to Liven Up Your Local Business Facebook Fanpage

When most business owners think of adding content to their Facebook fan page, they often limit themselves to just text and don’t maximize the potential of image content. Research has shown that people are more receptive to information that is presented in a visual pictorial format, so it is something to pay attention to. Here are the types of image content you can use to brighten up your fan page:

1. Profile Image – your profile image is one of the most prominent images that is highly visible to your fans on a daily basis. Not only is it displayed on your wall page but is used as an image icon on each of your posts. Instead of leaving it blank always upload your preferred image which can be your business logo, your personal photo, or a graphic image. The choice of image all depends on what you’re trying to achieve so a professional seeking to improve their personal brand should use their own photo while a retail store would use graphic images that best represent their niche.

2. Landing Page Images –  your landing pages should have rich image content and not just plain boring text. The most important pages are wall page and your welcome pages where most of your current and new fans land when they reach your fan page. Get a graphic designer to come up with some unique designs for these and your other pages so that they are memorable, lively and create your signature brand image.

3. Photos – not only can you create a Photo gallery but you can also use your photos to line the top of your Fan page. You can use photos

  •  of yourself as a business owner,
  • your business products and services,
  • Photos of famous clients or your regular customers using your products.
  • New products or services
  • Pictures of your company team members working together.

You can also allow your fans to post their photos using your products or services or about certain topics. For example, if you’re a hair stylist, you can have fans submit photos about bad hair days or the wackiest hairstyles they have ever seen. This will create a lot of buzz on your page as fans share photos.

4. Video – Just like your photo content, you can post your own business videos and encourage your fans to post their relevant videos. You can also ride on the wave of viral videos that are trending at the moment and post them as video content on your page but only if they are very relevant to your niche. For example, if you are furniture store you can post videos of famous people’s homes or if you own a car dealership, you can post interesting and entertaining videos about a particular car model that you trade in.


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