This Free Facebook Tool Can Tell You If You Have A Market Or Not

Articles by Ask8

#Ask8now – This #Free #Facebook #Tool Can Tell You
If You Have A Market Or Not. Fortunately Facebook can help you
with your #market #research with an overlooked and little known.
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This Free Facebook Tool Can Tell You If You Have A Market Or Not

One of the biggest mistakes local business owners make when marketing on Facebook is overlooking the fact if there really is a market for their products and services within the site. They overlook the eternal business principle of first finding a market of hungry buyers because if it doesn’t exist, there is no way of making sales.

Fortunately Facebook can help you with your market research with an overlooked and little known free tool that is on every Facebook page. It’s the search box located right at the centre top of your Facebook page.

So how can this search box tell you if you have a market for your local business on Facebook?

Follow these steps:

1. Type in your keyword into the search box. That keyword could be the niche or industry your local business is in, phrases or words commonly used, product names etc.

2. As you type in your keyword, Facebook will automatically give you the top 4 results as suggestions to refine your search. Pick the suggestion that best matches your keyword or click at the bottom where it reads ‘see more results’

3. A list of Facebook pages about your keyword will appear. These will usually be fan pages created by individuals or businesses or organizations.

4. Look at the number of fans or likes for the top Facebook pages. Those numbers will tell you if there is a large following and interest in your keyword or not. Large numbers show there is a market on Facebook and you can go ahead and create a presence or an ad campaign. Low numbers show few people have interest in the keyword meaning either there is no market or you need to research other keywords that may reveal where the market is.

A practical example

A local car dealership might want to advertise a certain car model on Facebook. By typing in the car model keywords like Toyota, Subaru, Ford, etc, they will be able to see the number of people who have an interest in those car models on Facebook. The leading page on Subaru has 75000 likes, Ford has over 500,000 likes and Mercedes has 2 million plus fans. This data will help them know where to focus their marketing efforts in a profitable manner.


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