#Ask8now – How Your #Facebook
#Fans Can #Advertise Your #LocalBusiness For #Free.
Learn some strategies turning existing fans
from passive followers into raving ambassadors..
How Your Facebook Fans Can Advertise Your Local Business For Free.
One of the secrets to growing your local business Facebook page for free is through the existing fans. Using the following strategies you can turn them from passive followers into raving ambassadors, providing free advertising for your business
1. Engage with your Fans
Having a fan page isn’t all about numbers but about relationship and community. Remembering Facebook is a social site will help you keep things in perspective and treat your fans with respect, attention and care. Always take time to read through as many comments on your page and personally reply to them. It shows your fans that you are actively involved in the page and that you acknowledge their presence. If people feel you are paying attention to them, they in turn will pay attention to you. They will feel that they know you and your business like a personal friend, and from this close relationship you will be able to leverage more results.
2. Once you have solidified a relationship with your fans, you can ask them to promote your business in different ways such as
* Clicking the like button
* Clicking the share button
* Purchasing products and services from you
* Getting them to become friends with one another so that a greater network of camaraderie is developed
* Introducing them to people of influence in your niche that they greatly respect and can offer them valuable content. This will increase your social network. For example if you run a gym and you manage to get a contact with a leading bodybuilder or fitness guru, your fans will appreciate you linking them up to this person and you’ll become known as a gym owner who knows the ‘who’s who’ in the business.
* Ask them to publicize your local business events to their network of friends. These events could be online (webinars, auctions etc) or offline (store opening, fun day) but make sure there’s something in it for them too such as really fantastic prizes. The more entertaining the event and the rewards the more excited your fans will be and the faster they will spread the word virally across social media.
* You can also grow your network of fans by encouraging them to become friends with one another and adding each other to their friends lists. This fosters more interaction and increases the viral speed at which your content is viewed. Also you generate more benefit to your fans who gain more exposure for their businesses or interests.
Check out Facebook’s 7 ways you can increase brand awareness.
Click the link below..