How Facebook can boost your local business SEO

Articles by Ask8

#Ask8now – How Facebook can boost your local business #SEO
Here are some ways your #localbusiness #Facebook #fanpages
can easily clinch the top spot on the search engines…

How Facebook can boost your local business SEO

With Facebook achieving a Google page rank of 9 out of 10, your local business Facebook fanpages can easily clinch the top spots on the search engines if you know how to properly optimize your pages. Here are some ways to optimize your local business Facebook fanpage

  • Use your primary keywords in your fanpage name

keywordsSo if you want to rank well for the term ‘cosmetic surgery tips’ then your fanpage name could be “Cosmetic Surgery Tips from Dr. X” Every time you post status updates or comment on other people’s pages, your fan page name full of those keywords will keep popping up everywhere and get indexed by Google each and every time.

  • Content

If you can’t use the keywords in your business page or fanpage title because it wouldn’t sound right or if someone else has taken it, then use the keywords in your content. In the above example, the doctor could give his readers a daily cosmetic tip and write his post as Cosmetic Surgery Tip No. 5 and the next day write Cosmetic Surgery Tip No. 6. Google will index that content and your page can find itself being ranked well on Google.

  • Facebook URL url

Make your Facebook URL match the most important keywords you want to be ranked for. Using our cosmetic surgery example, the doctor would customize his Facebook url as

  • Fresh Content

Just as you would create a continual stream of article and blog content for your website to improve your SEO, the same applies to your Facebook fanpage. Continually engage with your fans and post status updates, video content, notes and photos using your keywords and this will feed the search engine crawlers as they search for fresh content to index

  • Build Links

You can also build links to your fanpage from your local business website, article content in article directories, your Squidoo lenses, your YouTube videos and other content. Try and use your keywords as the anchor text to boost your page rank higher.

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