2 Ways To Segment Your Local Business Email List: Part II

Articles by Ask8

#Ask8now – 2 Ways To #Segment Your
#LocalBusiness #Email List: Part II
Here are two other ways that
focuses on #frequency of #purchase

2 Ways To Segment Your Local Business Email List: Part II

In a previous article, ‘2 Ways To Segment Your Local Business Email List: Part I’, we looked at how to segment your email list by product or service line and by product price. In this article we look at two other ways that focus on the frequency of their purchases

1. Premium Buyers

premium buyers

In any email list there is always a group that consistently purchases your goods and services. These are your most valuable customers because of the repeat business they generate and it is important to segment them into their own list. Once you have done that, you can pay special attention to this group by treating them like a club of premium members-

  • Assign them special status like “Diamond Club”,
  • Offer special discounts to them that are not available to other segments of your list
  • Give them early bird access to new products and services
  • Offer them exclusive access to important information or parts of your website not open to others
  • Reward them with gifts.
  • You can also create a points- reward system whereby each time they purchase from you, they rack up points which can later be exchanged for money-back on future purchases or even gifts.

Implementing all these strategies will keep this important segment of your list feeling well taken care of and ensures future business from them.

2. Infrequent Buyers

infrequent buyersAt the other end of the spectrum are those people who hardly buy anything from your local business. This bunch of ‘tire kickers’ need not be a lost cause as you can employ more aggressive marketing methods to get them to take action. Once you notice their interest in a product or service evidenced by clicks or opt-ins, you can send them more frequent marketing messages to try and increase conversions. While your premium buyers may only require one email before purchasing, this group may require at least 5 before deciding to buy anything. By sectioning them off from the rest of your email list, you will be able to use this different marketing tactic without irritating the other segments of your list.

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