2 Powerful Reports Google Analytics Can Provide Your Local Business

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#Ask8now – 2 Powerful #Reports #Google #Analytics
Can Provide Your #LocalBusiness
See How Conversion Report and Page Visit Report
Can Help Identify Success Rate For your Local Business..

2 Powerful Reports Google Analytics Can Provide Your Local Business

2 of the most powerful reports Google Analytics can provide your local business are on page visits and on goals/conversions.

Page visit reports

These reports show you how many visits your site has received, where visits are defined as the number of unique visitors who have come to your site. You can create page visits reports based on a total amount or from different traffic sources.

1. Total Visits Report

  • Within your Analytics dashboard, set the date range to reflect the previous month so that if we are now in April 2011, you would set the date range for March 2011.
  • On the left navigation panel, click on ‘Visitors’, then on ‘Visitor Trending’ and then on ‘Visits’
  • A graphical report will be generated. The totals for the date range can be viewed in the top right while daily totals will appear as you move your mouse icon over the timeline.

2. Total Visits By Traffic Source Report

  • Set your date range
  • On the left navigation panel, click on Traffic Sources.
  1.  To see visits from search engines click on ‘search engines’ and then click on the Site Usage Tab to see each of the search engines and their respective statistics
  2. To see visits from Google Ads Campaign, click on ‘Adwords’ then ‘Adwords Campaigns’. Using the Site Usage Tab will reveal each of your campaigns and their respective statistics

Goals/Conversion Reports

These reports show how well your goals are converting, such as email opt-ins, sales of products etc

1. Total Conversion Report

  • Set your date range
  • On the left navigation panel click on ‘Goals’ then on ‘Conversion rate’

2. Total Conversions By Traffic Source Report

If you want a report on conversions based on traffic source like Google Ads:

  • On the left navigation panel, click on ‘traffic sources’, then on the ‘traffic source’.
  • Click on the Site Usage Tab and choose the traffic source
  • Then click on the Goal Conversion Tab to see the conversion statistics from that traffic source

Whichever report you choose to generate, you can choose to e-mail it, print it or even export it to a pdf, excel, xml or tsv file


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